This production deliberately established links between the ethereal world of the play and the contemporary world of the audience, suggesting that the Man is an immigrant-like figure in constant search for a new home. It did this by including immigration statistics in press notes, and by using scenography and costumes that suggested the action was taking place in a modern-day setting. A sequence of images gave the audience an extra insight into the mind of the play’s sole protagonist, the wandering man. These images were created by John Dickie, who also created the images for Remiendo Teatro’s tour of A paso lento in 2007. A dossier containing pictures and information in Spanish about the play is available from the Remiendo Teatro website at [accessed November 2011].
Information on this production can be found on Remiendo Teatro's website, at [accessed January 2012]
Entry written by Gwynneth Dowling. Last updated on 18 July 2012.