This production was widely praised by the critics. Eduardo Haro Tecglen, writing in Informaciones, noted that the fantastic elements and the absurd humour were used to great effect to engage the audience in the themes of the play (Tecglen, quoted in Mihura 1977: 43). Luis Calvo from ABC was similarly complimentary, noting that ‘Tres sombreros de copa is a little masterpiece, a bright and spontaneous comedy with light sentimental touches’ (Calvo, quoted in Mihura 1977: 43).
Mihura, Miguel. 1977. Tres sombreros de copa: Maribel y la extraña familia. Madrid, Editorial Castalia (in Spanish)
This was a student production by the Teatro Español Universitario.
This was the first commercial production of the play and initially it was not well received because the audience was unsure how to react to a production made up of professional and amateur actors – a combination that made the performance uneven. In the course of its run, however, the production became very popular.
After the changes demanded by Mihura were carried out, this production was well received. Writing in Ya, Nicolás González Ruiz noted that the more understated performance brought out the ‘tenderness, humanity and poetry’ of the piece (González Ruiz, quoted in Mihura 1977: 52).
Mihura, Miguel. 1977. Tres sombreros de copa: Maribel y la extraña familia. Madrid, Editorial Castalia (in Spanish)
This production was supposed to open on 12 July 1957. Following objections from Mihura about the over-exaggerated costumes and staging, changes were made before opening.
This was a Spanish-language production by students learning Spanish at the University of Pune, India.
A collection of photographs taken from this production are available by clicking on the GTI Grup de Teatre website.
This was the first Spanish-language version of the play to be performed in North America. It was performed at Harvard University.
This was a student production in English as part of Daniel Zuzalek's thesis project at the Savannah College of Art and Design.
Entry written by Gwynneth Dowling. Last updated on 13 November 2010.