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El viejo celoso
(1610-1615, Cervantes Saavedra)
The Jealous Old Man
El retablo de las maravillas
(1610-1615, Cervantes Saavedra)
The Marvellous Puppet Show
La guarda cuidadosa
(1610-1615, Cervantes Saavedra)
Sir Vigilant
The Watchdog
La fuerza de la costumbre
(1610-1615, Castro)
The Force of Habit
El juez de los divorcios
(1610-1615, Cervantes Saavedra)
The Divorce Court Judge
The Judge of the Divorce Court
El rufián viudo llamado Trampagos
(1610-1615, Cervantes Saavedra)
Dirty Fraud, the Widowed Pimp
The Widowed Pimp
Trampagos, the Pimp Who Lost His Moll
Trampagos, the Widower Bully
La cueva de Salamanca
(1610-1615, Cervantes Saavedra)
The Cave of Salamanca
The Magic Cave of Salamanca
La elección de los alcaldes de Daganzo
(1610-1615, Cervantes Saavedra)
Choosing a Councilman in Daganzo
Electing a Sheriff in Podunk County, Florida
The Election of the Daganzo Aldermen
The Election of the Magistrates of Daganzo
El vizcaíno fingido
(1611, Cervantes Saavedra)
The Basque Impostor
The Man who Pretended to be from Biscay
The Sham Biscayan
Fuente Ovejuna
(1612-1614, Vega Carpio)
Fuente Ovejuna #10000017
Las mocedades del Cid
(1612-1615, Castro)
El Cid as a Young Man
The Youthful Deeds of the Cid
El narciso en su opinión
(1612-1615, Castro)
The Narcissist
Dido y Eneas
(1613-1616, Castro)
Dido and Aeneas
La entretenida
(1613-1614, Cervantes Saavedra)
The Diversion
El perro del hortelano
(1613-1615, Vega Carpio)
Dog in a Manger
The Dog in the Manger
The Gardener's Dog
La dama boba
(1613, Vega Carpio)
Lady Nitwit
Mad for Love
The Lady Simpleton
The Stupid Lady
Wit's End
Marta la piadosa
(1614-1615, Tirso de Molina)
Marta the Divine
Pedro de Urdemalas
(1614-1615, Cervantes Saavedra)
Pedro, the Great Pretender
San Nicolás de Tolentino
(1614, ?)
Don Gil de las calzas verdes
(c.1615, Tirso de Molina)
Don Gil of the Green Breeches
El burlador de Sevilla
(1616-1625, Tirso de Molina)
Don Juan, The Trickster of Seville
The Joker of Seville
The Lady-Killer of Seville and His Graven Guest, Or: To Death with Bated Breath
The Last Days of Don Juan
The Playboy of Seville, or Supper With a Statue
The Rogue of Seville
The Trickster of Seville
The Trickster of Seville and the Stone Guest
La traición en la amistad
(1618-1632, Zayas y Sotomayor)
Friendship Betrayed
El amor médico
(1619-1625, Tirso de Molina)
Love the Doctor
Love the Doctor #10000010
El caballero de Olmedo
(c.1620, Vega Carpio)
The Gentleman from Olmedo
The Knight from Olmedo
The Knight of Olmedo
Contra valor no hay desdicha
(c.1620-1635, ?)
Fortune favours the brave
La venganza de Tamar
(1621-1624, Tirso de Molina)
Tamar's Revenge
The Rape of Tamar
La celosa de sí misma
(1622-1623, Tirso de Molina)
Jealous of Herself
El astrólogo fingido
(c.1623, Calderón de la Barca)
The Fake Astrologer
El condenado por desconfiado
(1625, Tirso de Molina)
Damned for Despair
Heaven Bent, Hell Bound
The Doubter Damned
La cisma de Inglaterra
(c.1627, Calderón de la Barca)
Schism in England
The Schism in England
La devoción de la cruz
(1628-1633, Calderón de la Barca)
Devotion to the Cross
The Devotion of the Cross
La dama duende
(1629, Calderón de la Barca)
The Phantom Lady
El príncipe constante
(c.1629, Calderón de la Barca)
The Constant Prince
Las tres justicias en una
(1630-1637, Calderón de la Barca)
The Three Judgements in One
Three Judgements at a Blow
Three Judgements in One
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