Productions in Spanish
Don Duardos
(Huberto Pérez de la Ossa)
- Details
Huberto Pérez de la Ossa
21 May 1942
Venue: Teatro María Guerrero
Location: Madrid, Spain
- Further information
Also played the previous season in Lisbon, and in Madrid as part of the ‘Exposición del Mundo Portugués’ festival (Showcase of Portuguese work).
Don Duardos
(Luis Balaguer)
- Details
Luis Balaguer
Production company: Gris Pequeño Teatro, Teatro Español Universitario de Cádiz
20 February 1961
Venue: Teatro María Guerrero
Location: Madrid, Spain
- Further information
The version was by Dámaso Alonso.
La tragicomedia de Don Duardos
- Details
Production company: Escuela de Arte Teatral, Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes, México
Location: Chamizal, United States
Entry written by
Kathleen Jeffs.
Last updated on
4 October 2010.