Located in the heart of Madrid, the Real Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático, commonly known as the RESAD, is Spain’s most established and highly prestigious drama school.
The term ‘Generación realista’ (Realist Generation) was first used by the writer and director José Monleón in 1962 to describe ‘a group of playwrights aiming to represent the social reality of Spain in ways that were unprecedentedly direct and hard-hitting' (Monleón 1962, quoted in translation in Thompson 2007: 17). Members of this group include Carlos Muñiz and José María Rodríguez Méndez.
Thompson, Michael. 2007. Performing Spanishness: History, Cultural Identity and Censorship in the Theatre of José María Rodríguez Méndez. Bristol and Chicago, Intellect
Founded in Madrid in 1910, the Residencia de Estudiantes (Students' Residence)is a cultural institution supporting students, artists and intellectuals. It is most famously connected with the Generation of 1927, in that it was the place where artists and playwrights such as Federico García Lorca, Salvador Dalí and Luis Buñuel first met and got to know each other.